How to Stop Overthinking in a Relationship

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Photo by Jonathan Cosens Photography on Unsplash

Have you ever asked yourself, 'How to stop overthinking in a relationship?". The answer is probably affirmative, as you're here, ready to read an article that should help you stop overthinking your relationship. Firstly, it's important to say that overthinking is more common than you'd think. We all overthink things in our life. However, doing it too much or frequently can lead to relationship issues, affecting how you and your partner feel about each other.

In this article, we'll take a closer look into healthy relationships to understand what differentiates them from unhealthy ones. We'll also discuss how overthinking impacts relationships and why it occurs. Hopefully, when you're done reading it, you'll have a better idea of how to stop overthinking in a relationship.

Short Summary

What Makes a Healthy Relationship?

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Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

A healthy relationship is based on communication. There is no other way to get to know each other or understand each other's needs better than communication. A relationship needs to be based on trust, and the couple should work towards feeling more intimate and connected.

For some, that connection might be playing the same sport or traveling, while for others, it can be cooking together or talking long hours.

When you're in a healthy relationship, it will positively affect your mental health as well. Not only that, couples who are in happy relationships tend to be more successful and fulfilled in other areas of their lives.

Self-awareness is another crucial element of a happy romantic relationship. Partners are actively taking some time to reflect on their needs and desires, but they also think about the conversations they have with each other.

Being self-aware allows you to take feedback in a more healthy way and also accept your flaws and mistakes before they become a reason for an argument between you and your partner.

Lastly, any romantic relationship expert will tell you that it's important to spend time together, which is crucial for your wellbeing! It doesn't just have to be hobbies and shared interests. Spend an unplanned day in nature or at home, and see how you feel when things are spontaneous. After all, most of your relationship is spent just doing the daily chores and activities.

Sings of Overthinking in a Relationship

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Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

In all romantic relationships, there will be some overthinking. It's inevitable! However, to stop overthinking, you'll need to take a deeper look into the reasons why it occurs in the first place.

Something is triggering the overthinking process, and you're probably not even aware of it. Feeling anxious, having mental health issues, or your past experiences can all have a tremendous impact on overthinking in a relationship.


We all have anxious thoughts sometimes, right? The issue is that when somebody is struggling with anxiety, they will probably already overthink most situations in their life. That is why anxious thoughts and overthinking are almost always intertwined.

Being afraid of worst-case scenarios before they even happen and being unable to focus on positive things in life can lead to a different perspective of your relationship.

Another problem with anxiety is that you feel overwhelmed with everything around you, including your relationship. You're afraid that your partner is cheating, or maybe you're thinking you're not good enough for him. Regardless of the anxious thought that crosses your mind,

Unhelpful Thinking Patterns

woman lying on bed
Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

You don't have to be diagnosed with anxiety to develop unhelpful thinking patterns. A person can develop such patterns based on their past life experiences, especially in their childhood.

For example, a person might fear that their partner will eventually leave them if they have abandonment issues because of their family situation.

If you're worried about the worst possible outcome in your relationship, it probably means you don't feel safe. Sometimes, it has nothing to do with the person you're with, and it has everything to do with how your ex-partners or family members treated you in the past.

Negative Thoughts About Your Partner

Negative self-talk can cause tremendous harm not only to your well-being but to your relationship as well. However, by thinking negatively about your partner or your relationship, you're shifting the focus from positive experiences to more negative ones.

Also, if your own thoughts are not based on reality and real experiences but on assumptions, make sure that these assumptions are actually beneficial for you. If the way you think about your relationship makes you feel anxious, something needs to change.

The best thing to do is to challenge negative thoughts by acknowledging their presence and allowing them to sit there without paying too much attention to them. Giving priority to your other thought process could make these negative thoughts go away with time.

Lack of Understanding of Your Emotions

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Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

To be able to communicate with your partner efficiently and understand them better, you will need to understand your own emotions first. If you're not aware of the sadness you feel about something, how can you provide support to your partner when they are experiencing that emotion?

Also, once you're more open about talking about your emotions, you will create a stronger bond with your partner, which eliminates second-guessing about how they feel, what they want, and everything else that might bother you.

Not to mention that once you gain control over your emotions, it will be much easier to stop overthinking as well.

How to Stop Overthinking

woman walking on pathway during daytime
Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

If you really want to stop overthinking in a relationship, it's essential to understand the root of it. As we've explained, the common reasons for overthinking are a good place to start. Spend some time analyzing your own thoughts when you're with your partner and when you're without them. Pay attention to your own emotions in your current relationship.

Feeling insecure in your relationship often leads to overthinking. You can end one and start a new relationship, but that will not change your feelings of insecurity.

The change starts with yourself, so you'll need to apply certain methods that might help you stop overthinking and create better foundations for your relationship in the future.

Talk to Your Partner

woman hugging man inside bridge during daytime
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Relationships that last are the ones that are being built all the time. If you're overthinking about certain things, whether it's your partner's behavior or anything else, talk to them about it. Share what is causing these feelings. It can be during the morning or at a dinner table when you're both relaxing after a busy day.

If you work towards solving underlying issues with your partner and not hiding them, it will be much easier to stop the overthinking process. Don't forget that most people overthink when there's a lack of communication and transparency between them and their partners.


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Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

Besides talking to your partner, one of the best ways to realize how your thought process works is through journaling. It also allows you to stay more in present moment and not run away from your feelings. Use that space to also address your overthinking and to catch the moment when it starts.

Meditation and Relaxing Techniques

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Image by jcomp on Freepik

Meditation can help you gain control over things that typically control you. Even by simply doing deep breathing in your room, you can reduce the tension and anxiety that would usually lead to overthinking.

If you've never meditated before or don't feel like it's really your style, taking a few deep breaths in a relaxed space might be enough to start. Find a comfortable position to sit, whether it's a chair or a bed, and close your eyes. Take a long breath in, hold in for a few seconds and then slowly allow the breath to leave your lungs through your mouth.

Get New Hobbies

woman standing surrounded by exercise equipment
Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

A great way to stop overthinking is to take care of your well-being. What would you like to do in your free time? It could be sports, an online course, gardening, a book club, or going to the gym. A hobby is a helpful way for you to focus more on yourself and things that bring you joy, and it trains your brain to

When you focus more on fulfilling your needs and making sure you feel more satisfied with your time, it provides more clarity around your relationship. Without a doubt, we start overthinking when we don't have other priorities that would allow us to direct that energy in another direction.


If you notice your overthinking is endless and you feel like you can't control it anymore, it's best to seek support from mental health professionals. A therapist can help you understand better why you are overthinking.

After all, it might be a mechanism that you've developed to protect yourself from undesired things that might occur to you in the future.

If you want to seek professional help, make sure you search for a therapist who is recommended and has experience working in the fields of overthinking, anxiety, depression, and especially relationships, as you'll want to improve your connection to your partner.

Support Groups

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Photo by Dim Hou on Unsplash

If you prefer being surrounded by more people, why not search for support groups? Nowadays, you can find many groups on social media where people share their experiences and things that help them stop overthinking. The great thing about online support groups is that you can also post anonymously if you fear that someone might realize it's you.

When you find the right support group for yourself, you will notice how group work improves self-reflection and directly impacts your behavior. Hearing other people's experiences can help you make better decisions for yourself in the future as well.


As said before, overthinking happens to everyone, but if you're unable to control it and you notice that it leads to doubt about your partner's love and devotion to you, it's time to implement a few tactics. As overthinking typically takes you to the future and makes negative assumptions, learning how to live in the present is crucial.

Whichever of these tactics you choose, make sure you share your concerns with your partner. What is happening inside your mind is something they cannot see, so as you start sharing it with them, you might notice that your overthinking decreases over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do We Overthink Our Relationships?

Relationships are not easy, so it's completely natural to sometimes experience thoughts of concern or even fear. However, if you find yourself noticing overwhelming feelings because of your overthinking, it's time to address overthinking and how it impacts you. Sometimes, we overthink because our previous relationships have thoughts us not to trust the other person, but it's crucial to break that overthinking cycle and allow yourself a better life.

How Do You Stop Overthinking in Relationships?

Talking to your partner is essential to stop overthinking relationships. When you hear your partner's words of comfort, it can lower the impact your thoughts have. Also, your partner's responses provide a more realistic perspective of your relationship, which allows you to feel closer to them as well. Self care, hobbies, meditation and seeking therapy are also efficient when trying to stop overthinking.

Is Overthinking the Same as Anxiety?

Anxiety can be triggered by overthinking, but it comes with a whole set of symptoms that differ from person to person. In relationships, both anxiety and overthinking can lead to intimacy issues, so it's best to address them on time with your partner. Before overthinking takes a toll on all your relationships, experts advise you to start from yourself and understand better the reasons for it. Only then will you be able to enjoy your intimate relationships more.