What Is Self-Efficacy: a Comprehensive Guide
Are you one of those individuals who consistently question themselves and become anxious when faced with something new? Or are you more like the opposite type – feeling somewhat confident in your ability to handle whatever comes your way, readily embracing new challenges?
If the latter description resonates better with you, this likely means you possess a high degree of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is an essential concept within psychology; it concerns how we view our goals – and whether we manage to achieve them.
This article will outline what self-efficacy entails, why it is so crucial, and ways of improving yours. So prepare yourself for a crash course on this secret weapon that could open up success in all areas of life!
Short Summary
- Self-efficacy is a person's belief in their ability to succeed and deal with challenges.
- People with high self-efficacy tend to set ambitious goals and persevere.
- Those with low self-efficacy may question themselves and try to avoid challenges.
- Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory is the one that explains self-efficacy.
- Developing a strong belief in one's abilities can lead to success and satisfaction across numerous domains of life.
The Concept of Self-Efficacy

The concept of self-efficacy can be defined as an individual's belief in their own abilities to accomplish tasks, deal with obstacles, and meet goals. It's an essential aspect of human psychology that influences how we think, feel, and act.
Let's say you have been given a challenging project at work. If your perceived self-efficacy is high, you will firmly believe in your skills and knowledge to handle things well. You'll approach it with enthusiasm and confidence because you know you have what it takes to succeed.
However, if your own self-efficacy is low instead, you may doubt yourself and worry a lot about making mistakes or failing. The manner in which objectives are established and pursued can be strongly influenced by self-efficacy.
Those with a high level of this trait tend to set challenging targets for themselves. But they also work hard to achieve them, regarding setbacks as temporary rather than indicative of personal inadequacy.
Keep in mind that self-efficacy isn't static. It can be built up and improved through a variety of ways like getting hands-on experience, observing others who have succeeded, receiving constructive feedback and encouragement from others, or reflecting on past accomplishments.
High Self-Efficacy Vs. Low Self-Efficacy

Our lives are significantly shaped by whether we believe in ourselves and think we can achieve things (high self-efficacy) or if we do not have much faith in ourselves (low self-efficacy).
Someone with high self-efficacy believes they can do something if they put their mind to it. They set themselves tough challenges and work hard to reach them, failing but trying again when necessary. For example, two people want to start their own businesses.
One of them has high self-efficacy, so he takes risks, knowing they can handle whatever happens. He keeps going despite setbacks because they think mistakes are opportunities for learning – always finding answers no matter what!
In contrast, if you don't believe in your abilities (low self-efficacy), you're less likely to develop them. Instead of stretching yourself or tackling tricky challenges head-on, you'll steer clear, preferring tasks where success seems guaranteed.
Let's consider the case of two individuals who both want to pick up a new language. One of them might have a low sense of self-efficacy. The latter feel daunted by how intricate languages can be and wonder about their ability to make progress. This person may give up early on because they think they were never cut out for learning languages in the first place.
These examples show why self-belief matters so much when we're trying to achieve things. If you don't have what it takes, you won't get very far – no matter how skilled or talented you actually are.
Self-Efficacy Basics: Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory

The concept of self-efficacy, coined bypsychologist Albert Bandura, forms the core of his social cognitive theory. It is concerned with whether we are able to handle situations successfully.
In 1977, Bandura published the principal paper on self-efficacy titled "Self-Efficacy: Towards a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change," and it created a particular interest for his work on the topic. It concerns whatever people believe they can do that imparts to them what to think, how to behave, or feel.
Since then, psychologists have defined self-efficacy broadly as a fundamental construct of psychology and education because it can be applied to many areas of life.
Self-efficacy has become such an important variable because it does make a lot of difference in so many areas of human life. Research has proven this - and Bandura himself did some of these.
How people perceive their capability of things changes what they will attempt to achieve and how they will reach these goals. It also changes how much someone will be satisfied with what they have managed.
Because self-efficacy affects motivation and how good you are at making choices. Even whether you feel well all the time or not – it is necessary to recognize its effects.
According to Bandura, by intentionally using techniques that grow our belief in ourselves and what we can do (sometimes called "interventions"), we might raise the odds of doing well across the different arenas in life.
Self-Efficacy Vs. Self-Esteem

People often confuse or mix the words "self-efficacy" and "self-esteem." They should not be since they have separate meanings and different effects.
Self-esteem is a general sense of our values and how much we like ourselves. It includes self-acceptance and is about whether or not we think we "deserve" fundamental happiness and life satisfaction. It can change depending on success levels in particular areas (relationships, careers, societal expectations, etc).
Self-efficacy, on the other hand, refers only to beliefs about being capable in certain areas or at specific tasks: knowing you can do particular things successfully because you've done them before (or something similar).
Consider the case of public speaking. A person might have good self-esteem – a positive overall opinion of themselves – but lack confidence in their abilities to speak in public. Another person might believe they could handle the challenge because they have the necessary skills, even if they feel nervous; this is known as high self-efficacy.
It is worth noting that people may possess one quality without possessing the other, although it is true that high self-esteem tends to encourage or foster higher levels of self-efficacy.
How to Develop a Sense of Self-Efficacy?

According to Bandura, five factors influence self-efficacy beliefs. Let's take a closer look at each one:
Mastery Experiences
Performance experiences, or "mastery experiences," are the most potent source of self-efficacy. Think about how scared you might be of giving a speech – but then you do it anyway, and it goes well. When people congratulate you afterward, this success makes you believe more strongly that you can speak in public.
Each time something like this happens, your confidence grows slightly – like adding another brick to a wall. This means next time something is challenging to do, you're more likely to attempt it because you've leveled up (like in a video game) and feel more robust now.
Vicarious Experiences
Vicarious experiences mean observing others – particularly individuals with whom you can identify – triumphing at something you find challenging. For example, imagine your coworker shares your fear of speaking in public but nevertheless manages to deliver an outstanding presentation.
Watching this unfold may prompt you to think: "If they can do it, so can I." It's similar to watching someone playing a video game level you've been stuck on forever and then thinking it's not impossible after all.
Such indirect exposure could help build confidence by demonstrating that success is possible even in domains where you typically doubt yourself.
Verbal Persuasion
Verbal persuasion involves receiving encouragement from others that helps you believe in your abilities. For example, if a person you admire says, "You can do it!" before you go on stage, this can make you feel more self-assured.
It's like getting extra energy in a video game – it gives you a temporary boost to help overcome something difficult. While not as powerful as having personal experience of success, positive feedback from others can still motivate you to try things that typically scare or worry you.
Imaginal Performances
When you perform a task in your imagination, it's like a dress rehearsal for the actual event. You might see yourself going through every move, ideally before an athletic performance or picture acing a job interview.
This is how your brain starts building the pathways that will allow you to succeed when it really happens: by running a simulated version first.
Mental practicing is similar in some ways to visualizing your next chess moves. It increases your self-confidence by giving you the chance to think, "I've got this!" beforehand, often leading to better performances later on.
Affective States & Physical Sensations
How you feel, both mentally and physically, can impact your belief in yourself. If you're feeling calm and healthy, you'd be more likely to think positively about what you can do than if you were stressed or not.
Imagine going into a sports match when you're fit versus carrying an injury: your confidence in being successful would differ greatly depending on which one it was! By learning ways such as meditation or exercise that help better deal with stress levels, we could improve our confidence by making ourselves feel happier overall.
Measuring Self-Efficacy

Different techniques have been created to measure self-efficacy — how much someone believes they can perform specific actions to achieve certain goals. Here are some of them:
Self-Efficacy Scales
Self-efficacy scales, such as the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale, serve as assessments that gauge how confident someone is in their abilities when it comes to carrying out specific duties.
Different self-efficacy scales are designed for other fields, such as physical fitness, succeeding at school, or performing job-related tasks.
For example, the School Self-Efficacy Scale instructs students to rate how sure they feel about completing assignments punctually or contributing confidently during group conversations.
By responding honestly to questions of the general self-efficacy scale, people can learn much more about their presumed capabilities while also providing researchers with valuable data concerning standards of self-confidence in this particular area.
Psychological Tests
One way to evaluate self-efficacy is through psychological tests. These assessments often rely on hypothetical scenarios or situations that allow test-takers to indicate how they would react or which level of difficulty they feel comfortable with.
Some standard evaluations also use "vignettes" – pretend challenges similar to those we face in real life – and ask people how confident they are about handling them.
For example, a test might describe an argument at work and ask someone about their confidence in handling it successfully. This kind of questioning can help researchers learn more about what makes people feel capable in different types of circumstances.
Performance-Based Measures
Another way to judge how confident we feel in ourselves is by looking at how we act and what we do— especially when things aren't going well. Researchers who study self-confidence use this approach, known as "performance-based self-efficacy measures."
Scientists can see if their actions match up with what they say about themselves by watching how people tackle challenging tasks or those they find difficult.
For example, let's say a group of college students are asked to give an improvised speech: "Tell us about something you enjoy doing." Each student has three minutes to talk — and the same number of students will be listening, evaluating their performance afterward using feedback forms supplied beforehand.
Peer and Educator Assessments
Gathering input from peers and educators is one way to assess self-efficacy. For example, teachers might note whether a student willingly takes on challenging assignments or joins class debates as a way of pinpointing confidence levels.
Peers could contribute insights into someone's self-assurance in social or collaborative situations. By featuring more than one viewpoint, this approach may reveal aspects of an individual's self-efficacy that they themselves aren't aware of or don't want to acknowledge.
Self-Report Diaries
Individuals can use self-report diaries or journals to track their daily experiences, challenges, and how confident they feel about dealing with those things – and any shifts in that over time. This method lets researchers see if someone's belief in themselves (self-efficacy) changes towards certain activities – for example, after an intervention.
Let's imagine a person wants to get fitter. They could write a diary noting each exercise session, how confident they felt at each step, and whether they thought they were making progress. By repeating this process over weeks or months, we can notice patterns of how their sense of what they can do alters as it is tested by experience.
Building Self-Efficacy

Strengthening self-efficacy is an empowering and ever-changing process. The following steps can help enhance self-efficacy and improve your overall well-being:
Celebrate Your Success
When you celebrate your accomplishments, it's like giving yourself a pat on the back for every success along your path.
Picture this: You've been dreading running a mile but finally muster up the courage to do it after days of procrastinating. That's not just a physical achievement—it gives you proof that you can count on yourself!
Now imagine setting a goal that pushes you just outside your comfort zone – say, public speaking. It's scary, sure, but when you step up to the lectern and nail your talk anyway? Wow! You've confronted and overcome a challenge, which makes you more resilient.
Failure can be a tricky teacher. One day, for instance, you bake a soufflé that falls flat. Instead of quitting, though, you see this as an opportunity to get better.
You realize it's taught you something (about adjusting the oven temperature), which means next time, it will turn out differently—and better! Each failure is a lesson, not a loss; another step on the path to becoming your most potent and most capable self.
Observe Others
Imagine looking up at the night sky and finding a brilliant star that helps guide you. Now imagine admiring someone in your life for how they speak confidently during meetings – watching them prepare, noticing their calmness.
By studying this person, you may also become more articulate. You're not copying what to say or do exactly – instead, their achievements make it feel possible for you to succeed as well.
Seeking similarity draws these stars nearer to your world. Picture yourself as a hopeful business person stimulated by Sarah Blakely's adventure with Spanx.
Her transformation of a basic idea into a billion-dollar brand, when no one believed she could, has significance for you because, like Sarah, you, too, are now an outsider from your current sector. This resemblance does more than give hope. It sows the seed of faith in your own capacities.
When your heroes seem like versions of what you aspire to (and struggle with), their accomplishments light up possibilities for your road, too—making your ambitions feel not only enticing but attainable as well.
Seek Positive Affirmations
Think of asking for positive affirmations as having your own personal cheerleading team. Every time you voice an idea, there's someone eager to hear more – not just because it makes them feel good but because they want to see you succeed.
But there's also a mentor who tells you what's great about your work without holding back on ways to make it better. This person doesn't put you down with criticism – instead, they show you how to be resilient and continuously improve.
Not all feedback is helpful, though – imagine walking in the rain protected by an umbrella: The harsh words and useless opinions are the raindrops. And ignoring them is what keeps you dry.
When choosing whose opinions matter to listen to, nothing shakes your confidence or slows your progress. Instead, only input from people who genuinely want you to succeed forms part of that steady stream that leads straight toward whatever goals lie ahead.
Pay Attention to Your Thoughts and Emotions
Imagine being the captain of your own ship, sailing through choppy waters of self-doubt and stress. If you can stay mindful of what's going on inside your mind and body, then you'll be able to steer yourself toward calmer times.
One example of practicing this skill might involve finding a way to feel peaceful even during chaos – through painting or yoga, perhaps. Not only does doing these things help reduce feelings of stress, but it also gives us confidence that we have power over any challenges that may come up.
Positive self-talk is another powerful tool to navigate when everything feels uncertain. Whenever you think "I can't," shoot back with a bunch of positive affirmations.
Instead of letting negativity take over your mind, try "I am strong and capable" instead – it's like adjusting the sails on a ship: by focusing on confidence, you'll harness its power to move forward.
Finally, don't ignore how you feel, but try not to be overwhelmed either – see emotions as distant storm clouds rather than a sinking ship.
Talk honestly with someone you trust about what's going on inside if you can, or jot things down in a journal – getting stuff off your chest will help steer you towards clear skies and positivity again.
Benefits of Developing Self-Efficacy

There are several significant benefits that come from building self-efficacy. These advantages can be seen in various areas of a person's life, both personal and professional:
Improved Performance
Imagine yourself as a chef working in a bustling kitchen – orders are piling up, and the heat is on. This is where having faith in your abilities really counts.
Chefs who believe they can cook anything take every order, no matter how complex, in their stride; they're like culinary ninjas. They calmly and accurately deal with any tricky recipe because they know they can. It's that simple.
It doesn't come out of nowhere, though. Their self-belief grows over years of honing skills (even the tiniest ones) via repetition until tasks become second nature. By drawing on this sense of certainty about what they can do, chefs can turn potential chaos into an array of flavors.
People with this kind of confidence tackle complex problems with relish, just as experienced chefs successfully manage busy kitchens. Instead of letting obstacles get to them, such individuals generally thrive and set new benchmarks for achievement.
Lowered Stress and Anxiety
Now, picture your mind as an expert surfer, riding the waves of life's ups and downs like a pro. When you have strong self-belief (aka confidence), it's like having a top-notch surfboard that keeps you steady even if the sea is rough.
Knowing in yourself that you can handle whatever happens stops stress and anxiety from taking hold. Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, you focus on how you feel able to cope with anything.
For instance, rather than feeling panicked by a tight deadline, view it instead as an opportunity to show off how good you are at managing time and getting organized!
By thinking this way, you not only reduce pressure but also change how challenges occur for you. So, after a while, handling them with calm becomes second nature, making things much less difficult overall!
Better Problem-Solving Skills
Another benefit is to visualize having such great self-belief in your problem-solving skills that tackling tough challenges feels like being an expert detective. Rather than dread the unknown, you might approach every new puzzle with curiosity and excitement, viewing obstacles as fascinating mysteries waiting to be solved.
Let's say at work there's a project so daunting it makes others quake – but not you: high self-efficacy means you'd break it down into bite-sized chunks. Then, using both creativity and analysis, you search for several possible solutions before selecting the best ones.
Being prepared to experiment with fresh approaches – and learn from each attempt – leads not only to innovative answers but also builds strengths for future tests. Such a proactive mindset means people seek you out when there's a problem. Moreover, they admire how you tackle these issues head-on and find ways around them using clever ideas.
Healthier Lifestyle Choices
Similar to how high-quality gasoline can improve a car's fuel efficiency, your body gets an extra boost from healthy lifestyle choices when you have strong self-confidence.
Choosing nutritious food instead of unhealthy options or working out instead of sitting around feels less like something you should do and more like something you want to do when you believe in yourself. Having this attitude makes the journey toward good health seem fun rather than tiresome.
For example, imagine that instead of dragging yourself out for a run before dawn because it's "good for you," you lace up those sneakers eagerly, knowing how amazing it will feel when you cross the finish line.
That's what a strong sense of self-efficacy does—it powers choices like these by turning them into opportunities for personal triumph rather than moments of struggle.
Improved Academic Success
A student with high academic self-efficacy is like a well-equipped explorer venturing into the vast landscape of knowledge. They're like an explorer with top-notch gear, ready to tackle any challenge that comes along. Because they believe in themselves so much, they see even tough stuff as exciting instead of scary.
For example: instead of freaking out when faced with a tricky math problem, these students think, "What a cool puzzle!" And rather than dreading essays about complicated topics, they love using them as chances to show off their smarts and creativity.
Believing they're capable makes them want to do well—so they jump into assignments headfirst, ask for help when needed, and push through obstacles until things finally click.
The best part? Doing all this leads youngsters toward not only better grades but also a deeper understanding of subjects and a genuine interest in learning more outside class.
These super-capable learners celebrate one success after another on their academic journeys. Each victory adds to what they already know is true about themselves. They really can conquer whatever's next on the horizon.
Positive Social Relationships
Having higher self-efficacy is akin to being a skilled gardener tending to the garden of your social relationships. Much like a professional gardener knows which plants need sunlight and water, you recognize that different connections in your life require unique approaches.
Believing in your abilities to navigate social situations lets you nurture bonds, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts while being empathetic and understanding.
Think about how this might look at a party where you move seamlessly between groups, share stories, listen closely, and make people feel connected and valued.
Having confidence in your skills can help create a lively social world full of meaningful interactions. In much the same way a well-tended plot produces an abundance of bright flowers, your nurtured friendships thrive, bringing happiness, support, and feelings of acceptance into everyday life.
The power of self-efficacy influences cannot be underestimated – it shapes how we think, feel, and behave every day. When faced with challenges, it determines whether we respond with confidence or uncertainty.
Learning what influences our self-efficacy enables us to build on strengths and reach our goals in different areas of life.
Remember that self-efficacy isn't set in stone: by reflecting on experiences, seeking role models' guidance, and asking for feedback, anyone can develop and strengthen it over time. So why not take control today? Believe you can succeed and welcome a growth mindset – the rewards are boundless!
Frequently Asked Questions
Which Self-efficacy Theory Is the Most Common?
The most commonly used one and the one that had the most pronounced effect is the social cognitive theory of Albert Bandura.
How Do We Improve Self-efficacy Beliefs?
Setting achievable goals increases one's belief that they can do something. It would also help if people have gone through similar things before and succeeded, if they see others who are like them doing it, or if someone gives them advice on how best to approach the task.
What Is a Good Example of Self-efficacy?
Sure! An individual with high self-efficacy might decide to take up learning a musical instrument – perhaps one that is relatively rare or not easy to learn – and master it because one is willing to invest many hours of practice.
Is Self-efficacy Positive Or Negative?
Most of the time, people view self-efficacy to be helpful mainly because having it creates confidence and does not easily give up even if mishaps happen. But of course, at times, believing too much that you can do something becomes a problem instead of helping.