Top 5 Breathing Coach Certification Programs

Breathwork is taking the holistic wellness world by storm. Becoming a certified breathwork facilitator allows you to assist clients on their breathwork journeys and provides opportunities for increased income. Today, you can find many breathwork certification courses online, but what is the best breathwork teacher training option?

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When you begin looking at how to become a breathwork coach, you may be overwhelmed with the amount of options you find. We have narrowed down the top 5 best breathing coach certification programs. Read on to discover a little more about each school, but here is our breakdown:

Not all breathwork training programs are created equal which is why it is important to fully research each school before taking the leap. Choosing a school that is accredited and fits your lifestyle and approach to breathwork is important. We’ve rounded up our top 5 choices below.

Choice 1 [Top Choice]: SOMA Breath Breathwork Facilitator Training

Taking the title for the best breathwork training is SOMA Breath. SOMA uses a blend of traditional Pranayama techniques and pairs them with modern music technology and guided imagery to create a powerful and holistic approach to wellness.

Niraj Naik, the founder of SOMA Breath, is also known as the “Rogue Pharmacist” leaving behind a career in pharmaceuticals to help find a better way to help people heal.

With multiple levels of certification and one-on-one mentorship throughout the courses, SOMA Breath is with you every step of the way helping set you up for success.

The training is divided into two certification levels:

Choice 2: Psychedelic Breath Breathwork Teacher Training

Psychedelic Breath Breathwork Teacher Training is perfect for those who are searching for a certification course that offers in-person training sessions. This breathwork company focuses heavily on creating the psychedelic effects with breathwork instead of using substances to reach an altered state of consciousness.

Psychedelic Breath is located in Germany and offers the teacher training in German and English, offering more variety. With in-person training options, you feel more connected to other teachers and have the ability to experience this practice hands on. In addition to the teacher training certificate, you continue to have education and classes and pay a monthly licensing fee to continue using the brand name and have access to the brand’s resources.

Whether you are hoping for an in-person or online experience, Psychedelic Breath is a company you want to check out.

Choice 3: Breathwork Bali Practitioner Training

Breathwork Bali Practitioner Training is a totally immersive 6 week in-person certification course that happens on-site at Breathwork Bali in Bali, Indonesia. The school focuses on breathwork, body movement, music, and sounds to help clients experience and release emotions.

Students must live in Bali and attend 35+ hours a week of training classes for 6 weeks. They must also pass their written and practical exams in order to graduate and receive their certification. After the initial 6 week training, students must continue under supervision for an additional 4 weeks in the form of weekly group calls. Once completed, the student will be able to work 1:1 with clients but are not equipped to lead group sessions.

The school recommends spending a few extra weeks in Bali to ensure that you don’t leave without passing the final tests. If you are hoping for a tropical getaway full of relaxation and transformation, Breathwork Bali may be the school for you.

Choice 4: Keur Wellness

keur Wellness Breathwork Teacher Training may be the perfect program for you if you are hoping to improve not only your own life but the lives of those around you. keur places a strong emphasis on your own personal journey with breathwork long before you ever begin to work with clients.

For 6 months you experience your own breathwork journey with a breathing protocol that is a self-study with check ins, support, and coaching with a keur coach. Once this is complete, you are ready for the in-person training retreat. This retreat will take place at Haus Lindenbühl in Appenzell, Switzerland in 2025.

keur offers one training program a year allowing the students ample time to learn and grow with the instructors on their journeys.

Choice 5: School of Positive Transformation

Not ready to jump into a fully immersive breathwork teacher training? For those who are hesitant to get their feet wet but still want to continue on their mindfulness journey, the School of Positive Transformation may be the right move.

While the School of Positive Transformation doesn’t currently offer a breathwork certification, they do have a Mindfulness and Meditation Certification. This allows teachers to host one on one or group meditation classes. This option is also the cheapest, but it offers much less than the breathwork certification courses.

A Mindfulness and Meditation Certification can also benefit those who are actively pursuing or have already completed their breathwork teacher training certificate. Adding another layer to you breathwork coaching practice allows you to help more clients and reach them on a deeper level.


Becoming a breathwork coach can be life-changing both on a personal and collective scale. Imagine a fulfilling career helping others live a happier and healthier life. It’s time to take the leap and achieve your dream of becoming a certified breathwork practitioner.

We narrowed down our top 5 breathwork teacher training programs for you to look through and decide which one is fit for you. Whether you head out to Bali or stay at home and study with the in depth resources of SOMA Breath, you’re working toward joining a fast-growing industry that is here to stay.

Now, what are you waiting for? Just breathe!