Expanding Your Educational Career with a Masters in Social Work

Expanding on your education and knowledge always takes a certain amount of commitment and endurance. However, even so, it is absolutely a worthwhile endeavor as it not only allows you to have access to crucial and advanced information but also allows you to expand your horizons when it comes to your career advancements.

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This article aims to shed light on what to keep in mind when going down the road of a master's in social work. You need to find an accredited degree, keep the program in mind, never forget the importance of the social worker in communities and ultimately go and get your social work license so that you could practice legally. So, without further ado, it's time to dive in.

Find an Accredited Degree

The most important thing about finding an online course is finding an accredited degree. There are a lot of different online courses out there and it is your job to sift through them and find one that is in line with your social work degree. This step cannot be overstated as it is possibly the most important step in your educational process, as it makes no sense for you to study and invest time and money into a degree that will not allow you to license yourself at the end of it. Therefore, you must only use reputable and authoritative learning platforms that release accredited social work degrees, as this will absolutely work in your favor.

Keep the Program Type and Length in Mind

There are two things you need to keep in mind when it comes to earning your master's degree in social work and that is the fact that the course is online and also that there is a specific length of the course.

The reason that is important to remember that the course is online is because it's a very different learning experience to in person. Interestingly enough, a lot of people prefer the online course, as it tends to have a lot more flexibility in its schedule. If you've already got your undergrad and are pursuing your master's, it could be that you already working. This would mean that you wouldn't necessarily have the time to go in and sit in lectures from 8 am to 5 pm as this would be during your working hours.

Hence, online courses are very popular as they allow you to have flexibility with your schedule. This means that you can engage in courses in the afternoons, the evenings and perhaps even on the weekend. Also, the online nature of a master's degree allows you to engage in content when and how you want but also to keep this information even once you've graduated, as a helpful resource to navigate your career. Additionally, it means that you don't have to spend hours dressing up or sitting in traffic to get to class – which is always a plus.

With the length, it's important to know that a lot of online courses offer the general length or the advanced track. Typically, for a master's degree in social work, the general length of a degree like this will take 2.6 years and the advance to track will be 1.7 years. What you have to keep in mind is that if you do pursue the advanced track, you'll have to invest a bit more time in your course every evening and weekend.

The Importance of a Social Worker in Communities

It's important to note here just how important the work of the social worker is.

Of course, it's important for you to know which master's degree you can get and which platform you can use, however, at the base and root of all this is the importance of your career.

The field of social work is massively expansive and it touches the lives of a lot of people. Social workers can help individuals who are suffering from substance abuse, mental illnesses, family disorders or trying to fit in with the community.

Social workers are typically seen as the angels of society, as they come in and try to unburden those who feel burdened. Therefore, by having your master's degree, you'll have a better and bigger impact on the community that you serve and also be more educated and therefore be able to give better advice.

Go and Get Your Social Work License

It's important to remember that the work of a social worker is one that needs to be licensed. There are certain exams that you need to pass in order to obtain your license. There are only certain legal licensing registers in the US and you can only go through these boards if you want to be nationally recognised. Finishing your degree is one thing, however, you still need to go and get your external license to practice as a legal social worker.

Well, there you have it, these are some of the most important things that you need to bear in mind when it comes to your work as a social worker. Remember that you need to find an accredited platform to study through, keep the type of study and length in mind, never forget the importance of your occupation and then, good luck with getting your social work license so that you can practice legally.